07902 019736


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Need answers about shopping online with us?

If you cannot find the answer to your question here please get in touch via the contact form below.

  • When Can I expect my Delivery of plug plants or bulbs?

    Plugs plants will be dispatched ASAP and and I aim to have them delivered within 7 days of ordering. Bulbs orders will be dispatched as soon as the bulb season begins, you are able to order bulbs in advance but they will not be delivered until the beginning of September.

    Bulb orders placed after September will be delivered within 7 days.

  • Why cant I get every plant at all times of the year?

    As the nature of growing plants is seasonal all plants and bulbs are dispatched at what I see to be the most appropriate time of year for best growing results. Some of these little plant babies just simply don’t like the cold, and some like the Spring flowering bulbs will love the winter.

  • Where is your main office?
    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • What size are my Plants?

    These are fully rooted plug plants 3.5cm width 5.5cm deep. the foliage growth above this will vary from plant to plant.

  • Are the plants, seeds and bulbs certified organic?

    No they are not, as much as I follow the most environmentally conscious practices I can neither the plants or Bulbs are certified organic. All plug pants however are grown in peat free compost.

  • I'd like to know the provence of what Im buying Where are the plug plant and bulbs grown?

    The plugs are all sown and grown by me here in Thirsk. The bulbs I source from a bulb grower in the Netherlands who has provided me with top quality bulbs since 2008 from there family farm.

  • How will my plants be packaged?

    The good news is Iam not going to send you any nasty plastic to get rid of. Plants will be wrapped in waxed paper to retain moisture and protect them during transit, they are then packaged into cardboard boxes for delivery. Bulbs come boxed and packaged by variety in brown paper bags.

  • What do I do when my plants arrive?

    When you receive your delivery please unpackage ASAP . Handel plants with care, pick them up from the rooted base and follow the planting guide you can find a copy of it in the box with your plants. Or follow the advice in the plant care section.

  • Something went wrong and my plants are damaged what do I do?

    Please inform me ASAP of any damage incurred or any quality issues. I hope this doesn’t happen as all products will be picked inspected and packaged by hand prior to posting them out to you. Rest assured if anything goes wrong I will do my best to either replace or refund your purchase, in line with my Terms and Conditions.

  • Im so pleased with my delivery or what I have grown and want to share my experience?

    As a small business I would love for you to share your experiences to spread the word to others who might be looking for some where to start their flower growing dreams, if you have grown some jaw droppingly beautiful flowers from plugs or bulbs supplied by Picked at Dawn then please share on social media tagging @pickedatdawn or #pickedatdawngrownbyme

  • What happens when I book on a workshop?

    You will find an outline of the workshop basis on the website when you book. Please arrive ready for the start time to ensure we can all enjoy the experience together but if you require any further information regarding accessibility or food requirements please send an email before booking your place and I will answer any questions you may have.

  • I would like to buy flowers from Picked at Dawn how can I do this?

    Please use the contact box and send me a little message about your event please include the date you require flowers for so I can check my diary. If you are enquiring as a florist then you need to purchase flowers through www.flowersbyseason.co.uk

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